“Longevity for the part of us that is most human”
Blog1: 2/9/2021 : Lifenaut Lifesaver Volunteer / Bin Chen
When I first heard that I can set up a perpetual mind file to store our legacy and memories, I immediately thought of my mother. My mother has had Alzheimer’s for 8 years. Gradually she has lost her sharp mind and memory. Yet, she still has the most beautiful part of a human being – her feelings. This is my motivation to participate in the Lifenaut Mindful File program.
A cloud-based mind file will be used to build an Avatar for future virtual communication. I want to document my mother’s legacy on Earth before it’s too late. I want my mother’s legacy to be stored in the cosmos, accessible to my generation and the generations that follow.
The journey to preserve my mother’s mind not only helped me to learn more about my mother, but also to rediscover some hidden history of her time. I reconnected with my mother’s friends and built a new network around my mother.
Lifenaut is founded by the Terasem Movement Foundation. The founder, Dr. Martine Rothblatt, herself is a legend. I see her as a “Da Vinci “or “Benjamin Franklin” in the 21st century. Lifenaut is built to be a “mind-file bank” of human civilization. Each mind-file is a seed for future generation’s discovery. Lifenaut plans to Spacecast our files in the future to the galaxy. My mother’s file is scheduled to be Spacecast until the year of 3316. Will the ETs from other planets capture my mother’s channel? Will my mind file be able to carry the conversation with my mother’s in the galaxy? These possibilities fascinate me.
Working with Lifenaut is a pleasant experience. Bruce Duncan, the Managing Director of the foundation, is so passionate about this project. I am excited and anxious to have my mind file set up as my next project.
当我第一次听到我们可以把你最爱的人的人生传奇,经历放在云端,在未来的某一天,你可以通 过视频,声音,面对面的和你的爱人沟通;甚至你爱的人的云轨迹会通过卫星在遥远的宇宙夜空 被其他星球的朋友捕获时, 我的第一个想法是为我的妈妈做一个她的云档。这是我参与Lifenut 项目的最初动力。我的妈妈已经是深度老年痴呆的患者,她已经失去了自己敏锐的思想和记忆, 但是她还保持着人性最美的部分-情感。位于 Vermont 的Terasem Movement Foundation 下的 lifenut 就像是人类文明的种子银行,为愿意储备美好记忆的每一位提供永恒的云空间。更让我惊 奇的是帮助我妈妈建立云档的过程,是我发现妈妈,从塑自我的过程。我通过这个过程,发现更 多美好的回忆,从新联系上了多年没有联系的朋友。我期待和妈妈对话的那一天。